Seeking a creative way to attract and retain employees while offering them an opportunity to earn rewards? A profit sharing plan may be the perfect motivational strategy for your business. Whether you’re a large corporation or a small family-owned business, profit sharing plans are strategic tools used to encourage your employees to care about and improve your business’s year-end financials. Profit sharing plans function by giving employers the opportunity to assess year-end revenue reports to determine how much they can contribute to their employees’ retirement plans. The better your business’ finances at the end of the year, the more likely you can make significant contributions to your employees’ retirements through your profit sharing plan. Learn more about profit sharing plan specifics by touring our profit sharing plan articles on the Watkins Ross blog. Hoping to add a profit sharing plan to your employee retirement benefits and retention program? Contact the Watkins Ross retirement plan team to get a customized, professional look into your retirement plan options.