Can a new IRS pre-examination retirement plan pilot program assist your business? Learn more about program requirements on the Watkins Ross blog.
Retirement Plans
Choosing the right retirement plan for your employees can be a challenge. From navigating contrasting rules and regulations pertaining to various types of retirement plans to determining which type of retirement plans best suit the unique needs of your employees, small businesses and large corporations alike have a plethora of important decisions to make when it comes to retirement plan selection. The experienced retirement plan team at Watkins Ross understands these challenges, regulations, and decisions. We expertly help you navigate your retirement plan options so you can choose the perfect retirement plan for your business’s specific needs. Explore our collection of retirement plan articles on the Watkins Ross blog to learn more about the various types of retirement plans available for business owners like you, including 401(k), 403(b), 457 plans, cash balance retirement plans, defined benefit retirement plans, ESOP, profit sharing, non-qualified retirement plans, and multi-employer retirement plans. Not finding the retirement plan information you need? Connect with us here to learn more about Watkins Ross retirement plan design and administration services.
Maintaining Retirement Plan and Participant Records: Who’s Responsible and for How Long?
Save your company time and money by maintaining complete records of your retirement plan and maintaining these records for the life of your plan.
IRS Update – Retirement Plan Documentation Deadline
The IRS retirement plan documentation deadline is fast approaching. Read more about your retirement plan liability on the Watkins Ross blog.
Processing Retirement Plan Participant Contributions
The US Department of Labor requires all employers follow a strict set of rules regarding retirement plan participant contributions to avoid costly errors.
Retirement Plan Compensation Considerations
Avoid retirement plan compensation definition miscalculations by following these simple steps from Watkins Ross’ experienced retirement plan actuaries.
Enrolling New Participants in Your Retirement Plan
Looking to enroll new participants in your retirement plan? Visit the Watkins Ross blog to learn about retirement plan eligibility, deferrals, and forms.
What Are Controlled Groups and Controlled Group Rules?
Learn more about controlled groups, retirement plan rules, brother-sister controlled groups, and attribution rules in Watkins Ross’ latest article.
402(g) Limit on Elective Deferrals – It’s Personal
Code section 402g limits the amount you can defer to a 401k plan. Did you know it applies at an individual level, not a plan level? Read on to learn more.
To Bond, or Not to Bond, That Is the Question
Pension and/or Other Post-Employment Benefit plan sponsors are considering issuing taxable Pension Obligation Bonds to close retirement plan funding gaps. Let’s discuss the benefits and risks of doing so.
In-Service Distributions from Defined Benefit Plans
The Bipartisan American Miners Act of 2019 allows in-service distributions for retirement plan participants to commence at age 59 ½. However, in a defined benefit plan, to receive in-service lump sum distributions at age 59 ½, the distribution must satisfy certain thresholds. Read on to learn more about defined benefit plan lump sum distribution requirements.