If your plan elected any of the CARES Act provisions to allow for coronavirus-related distributions or the expanded loan provisions, there has been a change to who may be considered a “qualified individual”. Participants defined as a qualified individual include:...
2019 IRS Operational Compliance List
The 2019 IRS Operational Compliance List has been posted! This guide helps plan sponsors understand the compliance changes effective in the upcoming year.
Defined Contribution Compliance Calendar
A qualified retirement plan must meet various requirements throughout the year, check out our defined contribution compliance calendar today!
2019 Defined Benefit Plan Compliance Calendar
If you are responsible for administering your company’s defined benefit plan, download our 2019 defined benefit plan compliance calendar.
Changes to Hardship Rules
Regulatory changes as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 may impact certain provisions of your 401(k) Plan.
Safe Harbor Hardship Withdrawal Guidelines
The IRS requires Plan Sponsors to adhere to specific safe harbor hardship withdrawal guidelines for the distribution to take place.
Attribution Rules – The Family Tree
You don’t get to choose your family, and the same holds true with family attribution rules; but a company’s ownership is critical for accurate testing.
Requirements For A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
It is imperative for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to meet the various requirements before a benefit is paid out of the plan.
Retirement Plan Check-up
The best way to avoid long-running errors on your retirement plan is to complete a Retirement Plan Check-up twice a year; in the summer and winter.
Defined Benefit Plan Compliance Calendar
A qualified retirement plan must meet various requirements throughout the year in order to retain the qualified status. If you are responsible for administering your company’s defined benefit plan, it’s critical to meet these deadlines. From making quarterly...