Cash Balance Plans

Are you a member of a medical practice group, a partner in a multi-generational family-owned business, or the owner or shareholder of a single-member S-Corp with large S-Corp distributions? A cash balance plan may be the perfect fit for you. Cash balance plans allow high-income earners to benefit beyond the limitations of a profit sharing plan or typical 401(k) by providing a principal credit and interest credit each year within an individual “hypothetical” account. Each cash balance plan maintains a set of funding limits, requirements, and risks outlined in the plan documents; maximum allocation limits typically exceed limits in defined contribution plans. Learn more about cash balance plans, including details about annuity forms of payment, tax-deferred savings, and minimum funding requirements by browsing our cash balance plan articles on the Watkins Ross blog. Interested in discovering how a cash balance plan can enhance your retirement plan benefits? Connect with the Watkins Ross cash balance plan administration team to capitalize on our decades of experience designing and administering cash balance plans for a variety of business types and industries.

Who Should Consider a Cash Balance Plan?

The content below was originally posted 06/02/2015 and has since been updated. Click here to read the updated information.  Cash balance plans allow high-income earners to save more towards retirement than a defined contribution plan. Unlike a defined contribution...

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What is a Cash Balance Plan?

A cash balance plan is a defined benefit plan that specifies the benefit as a hypothetical account balance. Each year, the hypothetical account is credited with a principal credit and an interest credit, as defined in the plan document. These plans are required to...

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